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banking concern

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  • The difficulty for smaller companies and start-ups of obtaining money outside the shadow banking system where rates are artificially high has now become a matter of official concern.
  • Much of the negativity has come from fears that bad debts are building up in the banking sector, something that is much less of a concern for Mr Bolton.
  • At present, financial competition is more and more fierce, and financial risk is much higher, so how to make banking supervision efficiently in the new circumstance of economic has become a hot issue that countries concern about.
  • How are you here in Shanghai is specialized is engaged in the spot gold investment banking want to see you of the gold market have concern about?
  • And in view of the enterprise strategic management involved also apply to the bank, in the face of fierce competition, choose what kind of competitive strategy, guide banking development, become the focus of various Commercial Banks and the research of mutual concern.
  • While the banking industry pays much concern to business performance in the financial holdings companies, it can put efforts on assisting the supervisors in alleviating their stress by starting the work from system, methods and actual practices.
  • Fear of a property crash and banking crisis is not only weighing on the Chinese economy by keeping interest rates up and undermining investment, it's also causing concern around the world.
  • Especially for public business, banking products are threatened by the increasingly powerful substitutes. How to deal with the public business has become the primary concern for the managers of C Bank of Dalian Zhongshan Branch.
  • However, the risk that a weakened banking sector will act as a constraint remains a serious concern of eurozone policymakers.
  • In January, China's banking regulator rejected a CDB proposal to invest billions of dollars in the large US banking concern Citigroup for reasons that remain unclear.